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Moravia Highlights

Shakespeare Pizza

All 6-10 Band students who sold Shakespeares pizza MUST PICK UP THEIR ORDER on Monday, Feb. 24 in the multipurpose room (Moravia High School) from 3:15-4:00! SOMEONE MUST PICK UP YOUR ORDER ON THIS DAY AND BETWEEN THESE TIMES! The product must stay frozen! Your order will be checked before you pick it up to make sure there are no mistakes in what you receive. However, once the pizzas leave the school the order is yours! Check for mistakes BEFORE you leave the multi room so they can be corrected. I strongly suggest that you arrange for someone to pick up your child (if they ride the bus) as students sold a lot thus they may have a hard time getting their order on the bus. Please deliver your pizzas in a timely manner as I want your customers to want more next year! Please let me know if you have any questions: email me at: Thank you!

- Mrs. Nelson

Preschool Registration
Preschool Enrollment Facebook Post (4).jpg

Click here to register!

Dear Parents,

The 5-6 Band and 7-12 Spring Music Concert will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025 in the new gym. The concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the Jazz Band and Show Choir performing. At 7:00 p.m. the 5th, 6th and 7-12 Bands will perform and the 7-12 Choir will perform also. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend! 


Band students should dress up for this special occasion! Girls should wear an age appropriate dress or pants and a top (the dress code does apply!). The dress’s hem should be below the fingertips. Boys should wear dress pants, a shirt and tie, belt and dress shoes. The 7-12 Band will need a dress outfit for Large Group Contest which will be Friday, May 9 and the band’s performance at Graduation on Sunday, May 11. So this outfit will be used several times. I’d like to thank you for providing this dress outfit for your child to wear. This concert is a very special occasion! When students dress up it makes the event feel special! Everyone always looks extremely nice!

I will send out more information as the date(s) draw closer.


Thank you

Mrs. Nelson

Moravia CSD Open enrollment.png

The above DDSDP Plan is for Public Comment.   If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please email Kevin Cochran at

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Mr. Sam Swenson
Moravia Elementary
Superintendent/PK-6 Principal

Moravia Community Schools


505 N. Trussell ave.

Moravia, IA  52571

Mr. Kevin Cochran
Moravia JH/HS
6-12 Principal


Phone: 641-724-3241

Fax: 641-724-0629

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