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Moravia Highlights

Iowa Jazz Championships

Purchase your Iowa Jazz Tickets ahead of time and save money!

  • Admission for all classes of competition for the entire day of the Iowa Jazz Championships is $20, payable at the door with cash only.

  • Deeply discounted advance tickets are available for purchase here.

    • Use code EARLYBIRD for $12 tickets through Monday, March 31.

    • Use code ADVANCE for $15 tickets Tuesday, April 1 through Sunday, April 6.

    • Enter these codes on the order details page where you see “enter coupon code.”

  • All tickets are valid for a wristband that will allow entry to performances in all four classes and all locations. Children under 5 who sit on a lap are free. NO REFUNDS will be given for any reason. If you're not sure you can attend, tickets will be available at the door on the day of the event at regular price, cash only; no checks or credit cards.

Preschool Registration
Preschool Enrollment Facebook Post (4).jpg

Click here to register!

Dear Parents,

The 5-6 Band and 7-12 Spring Music Concert will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025 in the new gym. The concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the Jazz Band and Show Choir performing. At 7:00 p.m. the 5th, 6th and 7-12 Bands will perform and the 7-12 Choir will perform also. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend! 

Band students should dress up for this special occasion! Girls should wear an age appropriate dress or pants and a top (the dress code does apply!). The dress’s hem should be below the fingertips. Boys should wear dress pants, a shirt and tie, belt and dress shoes. The 7-12 Band will need a dress outfit for Large Group Contest which will be Friday, May 9 and the band’s performance at Graduation on Sunday, May 11. So this outfit will be used several times. I’d like to thank you for providing this dress outfit for your child to wear. This concert is a very special occasion! When students dress up it makes the event feel special! Everyone always looks extremely nice!

I will send out more information as the date(s) draw closer.

Thank you

Mrs. Nelson

Moravia CSD Open enrollment.png

The above DDSDP Plan is for Public Comment.   If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please email Kevin Cochran at

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March 27th.png

Mr. Sam Swenson
Moravia Elementary
Superintendent/PK-6 Principal

Moravia Community Schools

505 N. Trussell ave.

Moravia, IA  52571

Mr. Kevin Cochran
Moravia JH/HS
6-12 Principal


Phone: 641-724-3241

Fax: 641-724-0629

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